百萬倉愈跑愈貼恆指,證明偏向價值金融及只追求一時安穩反被大市拋離,正如現家追基建一樣。 以為自己跑贏,但第四季差些輸突,幾年順景利潤令低估衝擊。但信價值似嫁人要信到底,反之無可能於低價宗動向投機。 來年波幅必不少於今年,熊去似乎太早,但低價買長線怎都有著數,那要看看耐性同膽色囉,高位碰碰牛熊亦頗有可能,市場通常給人太多驚奇了。 |
零五年五月二十七日始,每日收市價計算買賣,剔除股息,通常月尾調整。 此處不是投資或投機邀約, 不要作出任何跟隨, 結果要自負.
百萬倉愈跑愈貼恆指,證明偏向價值金融及只追求一時安穩反被大市拋離,正如現家追基建一樣。 以為自己跑贏,但第四季差些輸突,幾年順景利潤令低估衝擊。但信價值似嫁人要信到底,反之無可能於低價宗動向投機。 來年波幅必不少於今年,熊去似乎太早,但低價買長線怎都有著數,那要看看耐性同膽色囉,高位碰碰牛熊亦頗有可能,市場通常給人太多驚奇了。 |
Harvard University's $36.9 billion endowment has suffered sharp losses but according to Indie Research it is placing some bets on undervalued international markets using exchange-traded funds.
Harvard's U.S.-listed equity holdings are quite diversified but have a definite international bias and Asia tilt similar to Chartwell ETF's approach.
Looking at Harvard's top U.S.-listed holdings at the end of the third quarter, the endowment's top-three positions were in ETFs: iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index (EEM), iShares Russell 2000 Index (IWM), and iShares MSCI Brazil Index (EWZ). Other ETFs among Harvard's top holdings included iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index (FXI), Vanguard Emerging Markets ETF(VWO), and iShares MSCI Taiwan Index (EWT).
Perhaps you should follow Harvard's forward looking strategy. So far this year emerging markets have suffered $48 billion in outflows compared to $98 billion of inflows from 2003-2007.
外圍金融怎都弱些,累宏利獅王低位徘徊,要保證撥備點都要縮一縮,但看渣打供股后走勢資本強者不用睇得太弱。市成交日縮,但低位漸見承接,市場稍為紓緩,年尾至下年初應睇高一線,挾淡怎都多水位些。避免重複,換入中庸交通,以 1.6X PB 來說頗值租。 |
很久已無動搖感覺,但看宏利短短十日撻一半都會質疑自己。曾參阿媽都要跳牆,股價上落令人如墮冰淵,靜動也不是。 泡沫留下一注盈富睇門口,今月狂跳 11,000 下加注最低價只差幾仙,直撼上週期投資貨底。全喳怎保守怕已開始輸,高位投資的蝕一半,玩三四線兩萬上早己死哂,剩下的只剩玩波波、加死注同塘邊鶴了,雖則是口水賭神。 宏利年報怎看都不知內里有什,最后只剩回信否。減去先前賺知道最多輸,最多不加注控制風險。煤氣公用最多跌一半,加注都要睇下價位忍忍。兩中銀重一齊弱,遲些要解扣。匯豐連政府都巨,抄上下之首選。Reits 原來不能如期防守,吾識揀就選龍頭吧。 選股是牛市增加回報工具,三四線跌市更不用碰。跌市簡簡單單以指數基金築底便可,牛一后雞犬升天仲有排玩。 |
10/27/2008 Worries About Manulife's Capital Ratios Drive Shares Lower10/27/2008
By Monica Gutschi Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES TORONTO (Dow Jones)
--Investors have become increasingly concerned that sagging equity markets could force Manulife Financial Corp. (MFC) to raise capital. Manulife shares are down sharply again Monday, trading C$6.24, or 23%, lower to C$23.41, a four-year low. The shares have lost 37% in the past month. Genuity Capital Markets cut its target on the Toronto-based insurer to C$30 from C$35, citing the company's increased need to raise reserves for its segregated fund guarantees. Analyst Mario Mendonca said Manulife needs to either lower the capital requirements on those guarantees by C$2 billion, or raise C$4 billion in capital - or find some combination of the two solutions. BMO Capital Markets, which cut its target on Manulife to C$32 from C$37 on Friday, estimates the company may need to raise C$3-$5 billion to keep its capital ratios within stated targets. And RBC Capital Markets said Monday it believes there is an "increasing likelihood that Manulife will evaluate options to strengthen its capital ratios." Analyst Andre-Philippe Hardy said that, unless equity markets recover, Manulife may need another C$2 billion in capital. The concerns center around the company's equity-linked products, such as variable annuities and segregated funds, which guarantee the principal in the event of a market decline. Given the 40% drop in the S&P 500 index since the start of the year, analysts say Manulife will need to raise its reserves to fund those guarantees. Earlier this month, Manulife said it would take a C$250 million charge in the third quarter, mainly related to credit losses, but also including C$50 million to strengthen reserves. At the time, the company said it was confident its capital ratios would recover and had no plans to issue equity. At the end of the third quarter, Manulife's Minimum Continuing Capital and Surplus Requirement ratio, or MCCSR, was 183%, just above its 180% target and significantly above the regulatory minimum of 150%. According to BMO, the company held C$17 billion in capital at the end of the quarter. But analysts say the rapid decline in equity markets in the quarter may have changed the situation. The S&P 500 has fallen 24% since the fourth quarter began on Oct. 1. While Manulife isn't expected to issue common equity, observers now say it could issue debt or preferred shares, could sell non-core businesses, or shift capital from other areas of the company. Genuity's Mendonca suggested the company could ask regulators for a temporary change in capital standards, or alter its internal models. He also suggested that, unless it can improve capital ratios, it may have to "sit out" the consolidation of the U.S. insurance industry. Manulife is widely expected to bid for assets that may become available in the U.S. as insurers there struggle with financial issues of their own. A spokeswoman for Manulife didn't have an immediate comment. The company is expected to release its third-quarter earnings on Nov. 6. RBC and BMO have investment-banking relationships with Manulife but Genuity doesn't. None of the analysts cited owns Manulife shares.
Manulife Financial CorpMFC:NYSE 最後價格(Last): $16.55 變幅 : -2.77 (-14.34%) 截至收市為止
萬倉九月 02, 2008 盡沽 2809 商品基金於收市 28.65
百萬倉組合普遍倒退,最強中國銀行亦包尾於六銀,於期望之內。此等只為防守高息,於下跌市中應跑贏大市,增長股中移思捷紛紛中箭,燒冷灶比較睡得著。 商品跌勢似緩,基金睇多一個月定去留。美市昨晚修訂 GDP 增長向上,想起統計只是謊話中大者,各國統計局只修飾數字玩弄規則,真否不是政冶所關需,看賭檯路紙好過。週邊通通向下,無理由病源月月虎虎生威,金槍不倒瓜。 |